Be a Better SEO – 5 Reasons You And Your Site Need the Orchid Box Pagerank Crawler

by | Sep 21, 2018 | SEO

Google PageRank Crawler Tool

The Orchid Box Crawler is a unique and intelligent tool, free for all to use, that allows you to spider your own site and approach any SEO problems that might be contained within. By simply typing in your homepage our tool will trawl through the pages of your site, most important first, and give you their page rank (PR) alongside a multitude of further valuable information – for both SEOs and web designers. Here’s just five reasons why you should be using it:


The Orchid Box Crawler helps you understand which pages are seen as important by Google. If your homepage has PR 5 and your “terms and conditions” has PR 4, the juice is flowing nicely from your homepage to that page. By understanding how to shape your page rank flow between your pages you can distribute PR to the pages that you most want ranked highly in Google, rather than wasted pages like “privacy” and “about us”. If the page rank isn’t flowing between pages then you need to have a look at why.


The Orchid Box Crawler tool is the first of its kind to allow you to see the page rank for all the important pages of your site just by typing in the homepage. You can see which areas of your site are gaining good ranking and therefore by careful analysis, approach other pages with the same methods and structure. It’s an easy way of maintaining an search engine optimised site without repetitive and laborious processes. The tool priorities the most important pages from your homepage and so cancheck navigation, the footer, and tags first to sport any issues.


Broken links are a criminal error on a website which will undoubtedly affect your Google ranking. Our tool will tell you all the 404 links on your site, even those hidden deep in the recesses of your pages, so you can easily adjust and correct any problems with navigation both quickly and easily. It will also look at any other links such as 300 and 301 diversions so you can ensure they are working correctly.


By linking to lots and lots of external sites, that is to say pages outside your domain, you could be affecting your search engine rankings. No more than 15% of your on page links should be external, all the rest should be linking to areas within your site. Even if you are a directory or other such promotional site, it is worth spreading those links over several pages rather than pile them all together on one – this is why spam sites will never rank high with the search engine algorithms.


Even if you have cut down on your external linking it might be that you have too many hyperlinks on one page. The Google bots will read up to 150 links, so if our crawler tells you that you have more on a certain page, you need to consider your site architecture. Simplicity is underrated, and when bearing in mind link consolidation (see link above) you should be looking at cutting down on internal and external links – something that will please both the user and the search engines.

So give the Orchid Box Crawler Tool a go – it’s simple to use and won’t cost you a penny!

Tags: google pagerank prediction tool, pagerank checker tool, seo tools page rank, pr page rank, page rank toolbar    alexa page ranking, page rank algorithm, page rank calculator.

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