
A Great PPC Trick – Using Budgeting to Your Benefit

[ Published September 24, 2018 ]

Budgeting within  can be a nightmare. Thousands of keywords, adgroups, campaigns and stacks more data to collate, analyse and act upon – you can’t leave it a minute without worrying you’re overspending.

But fear not, budgeting can also be played to your (significant) advantage! We’ve recently come across a trick that we’re working on testing further but seems to work with , in terms of getting increasingly cheaper and numerous clicks.

Got a campaign that is  to your site and a ? We had one for one of our clients that was doing exactly that, and we found a great way to improve it’s performance. All you need do is  a small amount, and leave it for a couple of days to gain a bit of traffic – and then it again to the original rate. Look what happened for us:

Having upped the rate we saw a sharp increase in traffic, and then after a few days we dropped the cost again only to see traffic continue at its old rate but with a cheaper ! We’re currently testing this trick across a number of sites, and almost like revving up an engine it seems to work well!

In conjunction with our fantastic new  tricks like this can work like a dream!

Anyone got any more great PPC tips and tricks to share? They don’t have to all be secret you know…

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